Module 2 Exercises

Question 1

What error message do you get when you run this program (hint: there are at least two problems)

def get_energy(mass):
    speed_of_light = 300000000
    return mass * speed_of_light ** 2

weights = [1, 100, .5, .75]

while weights:
    joules = get_energy(kg)
    print(kg, "kg is equal to ", joules, "joules")

What output do you see when you fix it? In your own words describe what you did to fix this problem in the text box in ELMS.

Question 2

Write a program that will let you enter a word or phrase and then tell you many characters long it is. The program should allow the user to keep entering words and phrases until they enter “quit”.

Here’s what a sample run might look like:

Enter a word/phrase: python
That is 6 characters long

Enter a word/phrase: holy coding, batman!
That is 20 characters long

Enter a word/phrase: quit

Save your program in a text file and upload it to ELMS.


An additional task for those who complete the above questions and want to challenge themselves: