INST 326 Object-Oriented Programming


This website is an Open Educational Resource (OER) for my course on Python Programming offered through the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland College Park. It is still a work in progress as the course materials and activities are being migrated from a traditional learning management platform to this website.

The course is divided into 11 modules covering various topics in programming with Python, designed for undergraduate students majoring in Information Science. The modules are organized into three main units:

  1. Fundamentals
  2. Object-Oriented Programming
  3. Working with Data


Thanks to Ed Summers and Aric Bills for sharing content and ideas from their own versions of this course. Ed Summers developed the original concept for the way the site is maintained and built using Make, Pandoc, and Github pages. The HTML pages are styled using a Pandoc template by Tristano Ajmone.