Python Data Structures
Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples
Connecting the Building Blocks
- We have already introduced some of the basic building blocks of data (integers, floats, Booleans, strings)
- Python also supports combining bits of data into larger data structures
- You can think of the building blocks as atoms and the structures as molecules
Strings revisited
- We discussed strings already, but they are so important that we’ll talk about them some more today
- Strings have something in common with both atomic bits of data and larger data structures
Everything is an object
- Under the hood, all of these data types are objects
- This means that they share some fundamental characteristics and
- You can use some common commands to learn about them:
- type(): returns an object’s class
- dir(): returns list of available methods
- help(): opens built-in documentation pages
Try it out (interactive mode)
>>> s = "To be or not to be."
>>> type(s)
<class 'str'>
>>> help(s)
>>> dir(s)
What are strings?
- Strings are textual data
- Strings are ordered sequences of characters
- The characters that make up a string are mapped or “encoded” in a particular character set
- In Python (starting with v3), strings are encoded by default in unicode, which means there is automatic support for any writing system (well, almost any…)
Creating strings
- We create strings using quotation marks
- You can use single (') or double (") quotes
- You cannot mix single/double quotes when creating a string, but you can nest them (useful if you need to make quotation marks part of a string)
Accessing strings
- Strings are sequences of characters
- By default the variable returns the whole sequence
- Parts of strings (called substrings) are accessed by index
- The first position of a string has an offset of zero
>>> x = 'To be or not to be.'
>>> x[3]
String indices and slices
- The index is an integer representing the distance (offset) from the beginning of the string
- Sequences can be accessed by slicing (beginning and end separated by colon)
>>> lyric = "Another one bites the dust."
>>> lyric[12:17]
“Modifying” strings
- Strings are immutable which means they do not change.
- However it’s common to reassign a string variable.
>>> x = 'hello'
>>> x = x.upper() # reassigns x
>>> print(x)
String Methods
Strings have lots of useful methods like upper() which you just saw. Here are a few more, but try using dir and help to learn about them.
- lower()
- upper()
- split(s)
- join(words)
- capitalize()
- replace(old, new)
- find(s)
- format(args)
What are lists?
- Lists are ordered sequences of other objects
- Lists are what are called “arrays” in some other languages
- Lists can be nested (e.g. a list of lists, or a list of dictionaries)
- Lists can be made up of heterogenous elements
Creating lists
- Create a list with list() or with square brackets (empty or not)
- x = list()
- x = []
- x = [‘hello’, ‘world’]
- Notice how the items of a list are separated by commas
Accessing lists
- Like strings, lists are an ordered sequence
- Like strings, elements can be accessed by index position:
- Like strings, lists can be sliced:
- Use len() to find out how many elements are in a list:
Loops and Lists
And the for loop is super handy for operating on lists:
colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "black"]
for color in colors:
Modifying lists
- Unlike strings, lists can be changed in place
- You can reassign the item at a particular position
x = ['hello', 'world']
x[1] = 'universe'
What are dictionaries?
- Dictionaries are unordered collections of key/value pairs
- They are what is referred to in other languages as an “associative array”
- They are similar to a phone book or real-life dictionary, except that the keys are not sorted by default
Creating dictionaries
Create a dictionary with dict() or with curly braces:
my_dictionary = dict()
my_dictionary = {}
phone_book = {
'Bruce Banner': '555-555-1234',
'Sue Storm': '555-555-5678'
Accessing dictionaries
- You can look up the values in a dictionary by referencing the key
phone_book = {
'Bruce Banner': '555-555-1234',
'Sue Storm': '555-555-5678'
print(phone_book['Bruce Banner'])
Access the keys of a dictionary with the keys() method:
phone_book = {
'Bruce Banner': '555-555-1234',
'Sue Storm': '555-555-5678'
for k in phone_book.keys():
Access the values of a dictionary with the values() method:
phone_book = {
'Bruce Banner': '555-555-1234',
'Sue Storm': '555-555-5678'
for val in phone_book.values():
Access the key/value pairs with the items() method:
phone_book = {
'Bruce Banner': '555-555-1234',
'Sue Storm': '555-555-5678'
for key, val in phone_book.items():
print(key, val)
Bruce Banner 555-555-1234
Sue Storm 555-555-5678
Modifying dictionaries
- The keys of a dictionary can be assigned to different values directly
phone_book['Bruce Banner'] = "555-555-9876"
- If the key does not exist, a new key/value pair will be added
- Note that each key of a given dictionary must be unique
Deleting from a dictionary
You can remove a key/value pair from a dictionary by using the pop method:
phone_book = {
'Bruce Banner': '555-555-1234',
'Sue Storm': '555-555-5678'
phone_book.pop('Bruce Banner')
energy = {
"Colorado": {
"solar": 16530.477,
"wind": 2942132.635
"New Jersey": {
"solar": 2437.768,
"wind": 19149.957
"Washington": {
"solar": 0.0,
"wind": 3538935.954
What are tuples?
- Tuples are ordered, immutable sequences of other objects
- You will hear tuple pronounced both “too-pull” and “tuh-pull”
- Contrary to how the name sounds, tuples can have any number of elements (not just two!)
Creating tuples
- Tuples can be created with tuple()
- Tuples are also often created with parentheses
- But in fact, the comma is what allows python to recognize the tuple
Accessing tuples
- Similar to lists, the items in a tuple are accessed by index position
- A common pattern is to assign the elements of tuples in a single line
- For example, the .items() method of dictionaries returns key/value pairs as a tuple:
for name, number in phone_book.items():
print(name, number)
“Modifying” tuples
- Like strings, tuples are immutable
- If you try to reassign a value inside a tuple, Python will raise a type error